SnakeDays 2025, July 18-20th
SnakeDays 2025 in the Heart of Graybanded Kingsnake Territory in Alpine Texas , we will have great lecturers and a Bioblitz with even prizes. Stay tuned as this years event unfolds for lecturers and prizes in Alpine, Texas.
SnakeDays promotional interview on Big Bend Radio.
What is SnakeDays?
SnakeDays is a an event that celebrates the wonderful reptile and amphibian diversity of west Texas and raises money wildlife diversity conservation. It brings together enthusiasts from around the United States who are passionate about herpetology, field herping, herp photography, and building relationships with other like-minded individuals. Sanderson has been the host location since the event’s inception and we will be celebrating the sixth (6th) consecutive year of SnakeDays. The event offers vendors, presentations, gatherings, and field herping.
SnakeDays Student Research Grant
SnakeDays will be offering one or two student research grants in 2025. SnakeDays is an educational gathering held in West Texas every summer that focuses on the herpetofauna of Texas and the importance of contributions made by citizen science. In addition to a day of lectures, we have a fundraiser which has raised over $25,000 to benefit herpetological conservation and research in the state of Texas.
Eligibility requirements for this $500 grant are:
● The student must be currently enrolled as a student at an institution of higher education.
● The project must be centered on a taxon native to Texas. It can be an ongoing or a new project.
● If you are awarded a grant, the recipient must be willing to attend SnakeDays in 2021 or 2022 to give a presentation on your research. Financial assistance with travel expenses is possible.
● If you are awarded a grant, you will be required to submit a final report detailing the progress of your research by December 31st, 2025.
● Based on your research topic, Texas Parks and Wildlife may offer an additional $500 matching grant. The grant will be awarded by the SnakeDays board of directors.
● The following should be included in a PDF document not exceeding five pages typed in font no smaller than 12 point, double spaced, and with a one-inch margin: proposal title, your name, contact information, if possible, a photo of you in the field, contact information, and basic biography (one paragraph) including personal interests outside of science. The institution, research topic, and sponsor/advisor with their contact information. An overview of your project to date or proposed project details. Practical application of your research to conservation of the species.
Feel free to include any other pertinent information, tell us why you deserve the grant and why you feel your research is worthwhile.
Submit to Corey Roelke:
Deadline May 15th, 2024 with grant to be awarded by June 1 2025
SnakeDays Events
This section will present some of the wonderful events offered during SnakeDays
Tickets & Merchandise
Click here to purchase event tickets and T-Shirts.
Field Herping
This page will present you with some of the locations, the regulations governing, and opportunities for field herping west Texas.
Please help with this great cause, your donation is greatly appreciated.